Lung Cancer Screening
For those 50-80 years old, screening is recommended for current smokers and those with a heavy smoking history.
Baptist Health offers affordable lung cancer screenings for those at risk, and our lung cancer screening program can often help if insurance will not cover the cost. Screening is safe and can help detect lung cancer at the earliest possible stage, which can greatly increase life expectancy and quality of life.
Lung cancer screening is done using a low-dose computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan. Research shows that screening with low-dose CT scans can reduce the risk of death from lung cancer for people at high risk of getting the disease. Low-dose CT scans use about one-fifth as much radiation as conventional CT scans, to minimize any radiation risk.
Most nonsmokers do not need to be screened for lung cancer. But we recommend screening if you:
For those 50-80 years old, screening is recommended for current smokers and those with a heavy smoking history.
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